Participation in the opening of the Erasmus+ Jean Monet project at Petro Mohyla Black Sea University (01.11.2022, online)

On November 1, 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine participated in the presentation of the new Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project “European Green Dimensions” at Petro Mohyla Black Sea University, which was attended by 32 participants.

The event began with an opening speech by Leonid KLYMENKO, Rector of the University, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation and capacity of University team become winners among 93 submitted applications.

Project coordinator Olena MITRYASOVA introduced all participants with positive aspects of European innovations, content and main tasks of the international project, schedules and plans for further work.

Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, NEO – Ukraine Coordinator, joined the training with the welcome speech and provided recommendations on project’s implementation during the war, the quality of achieved results, as well as general situation around international project activities, etc. Speaker also presented current state of Ukrainian HE and its beneficiaries during the war, its challenges and needs at the individual, institutional and national levels, as well as opportunities and ideas for cooperation within the Erasmus+ call 2023.

Попередня Participation in the ETF Conference (27.10.2022, online)